Home >> Texas >> Caverns of Sonora

Caverns of Sonora

The Caverns of Sonora is a stunning natural attraction located near Sonora, Texas, in the southwestern United States. Caverns of Sonora offer a mesmerizing underground adventure and a unique opportunity to witness the wonders of nature's handiwork. Whether you're a nature lover, an adventure seeker, or simply curious about the world beneath the surface, the Caverns of Sonora are sure to leave a lasting impression.

Caverns of Sonora Things to See

Here are some key features and highlights of the Caverns of Sonora:


1711 Private Rd 4468
Sonora, TX 76950

Phone: (325) 387-3105



Adult Crystal Palace Tour: $28
Child Crystal Palace Tour: $22
Child Under 4 years of age: Free


Tuesday after Labor Day to February 29th - 9am to 5pm
March 1st to Labor Day - 8am to 6pm

All Texas Caverns